Our Philosophy

The Spirit of Taekwondo

First half (start of class or event)

Sir (or Ma'am), I shall practice in the spirit of Taekwondo
with courtesy for fellow students,
loyalty for my instructor,
and respect for my juniors and seniors, sir (or ma'am)!

Second half (end of class or event)

Sir (or Ma'am), I shall live with perseverance in the spirit of Taekwondo:
having honor for others,
integrity for myself,
and self-control in my actions, sir (or ma'am)!

The Tiger Oath

Raise your right hand, palm forward,
and support your right forearm with the back of your left hand.
I promise to be a good person,
Point your right hand to your head to have knowledge in my mind,
Right hand points to your heart honesty in my heart,
Both arms up to "make muscles" strength in my body,
Right hand out for a handshake,
supported at elbow by back of left hand
to make good friends.
Grab the ends of your belt with your hands,
and bring them toward the middle
Instructor: And if you work hard, every day,
at everything you do, what will you become?

Pull outward on your belt ends with both hands
once for each word
A black! belt!, sir!